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School Holidays

New Regulations around Leave of Absence

When making an application for leave of absence during term time, please be aware that from 1st September 2013, Head Teachers are not able to grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. This is because of a change in the regulations, which is fully explained in the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page overleaf. The application form  therefore asks you to outline the reasons why you feel your application for leave of absence during term time should be regarded as ‘exceptional.’

Leave of Absence Authorisation

Following submission of your application, you will be notified as soon as possible of the School’s decision. Please note that leave of absence authorisation is entirely at the Head Teacher’s discretion, and if authorisation is granted, the number of days to be authorised will also be determined by the Head Teacher.  Parents/carers should be aware that if your requested leave of absence is not authorised, but you still take the child out of school, or keep your child away from school for a longer time than agreed/authorised, the absence (or excess absence where longer than agreed) will be recorded as unauthorised.

Unauthorised absences on your child’s attendance record may mean that you are liable to incur a Fixed Penalty Notice (fine) or could face prosecution. Fines will be issued to each person with parental responsibility for the child/children who is deemed liable for the offence/offences.